Empowering breast cancer fighters & survivors put scanxiety and fear in check without it being exhausting or hard, using my Sloane Healing Method™!

Navigating breast cancer is tough and survivorship is a whole new battle.

As a breast cancer survivor, I know what it takes to get through it so that you can get your life back from cancer! (Even with Stage 4!).

I’ll help you reclaim your life from cancer and discover who you are now.

Become EMPOWERED through breast cancer and beyond and get back in control of your life despite it or your diagnosis. It’s totally possible for you.

HEAL from Breast Cancer

No matter where you are in your breast cancer experience, I’m here to support you and help guide you through.

Find Connection with Heart-led Breast Cancer Warriors.

We know what it’s like to go through all of the challenges of breast cancer.

Be heard, seen and understood in our private community.

Free monthly support call included.

Trying to get through breast cancer treatment, keeping yourself together AND process everything?

Or maybe you're in survivorship trying to figure out what just happened?

This is the beginning of your healing!

Reclaim your life from cancer without it being exhausting or hard!

No matter your diagnosis, you can thrive! Navigating breast cancer is tough and survivorship is a whole new battle. Get a clear roadmap with guided support so that you can get back to living.

Let’s Connect Over a Virtual Chat to Discuss Your Healing and What’s Possible for You!

Explore coaching with me and the different ways in which I can support you through your breast cancer experience.

I’ll be happy to answer any and all of your questions!


Hi, I’m Ryn!

I’m a breast cancer survivor, THRIVER and your new mentor. I help breast cancer fighters and survivors so that they can heal their invisible scars from cancer, navigate survivorship with a clear roadmap and get back to LIVING.

If you’ve ever experienced breast cancer, you’re in the right place. I’m just like you - a breast cancer survivor. I know what it’s like and I’m here for you to help guide you and show you the way.

Through my Heal Bravely cancer recovery and healing program, you’ll have personalized support and connection as you learn to go from surviving to THRIVING! You’ll learn how to heal your mental and emotional health from your cancer experience and reclaim your life.


“I love everything I've seen and read so far, your program is amazing!”

— J.E.

“Ryn is an amazing coach - doesn’t let me get away with anything but does it in a way that let’s me know she gets it and has done the work herself. If you’re a cancer survivor, this is the time to get the support you need to find your new self!”

— J.M.


I’d love to show you how healing through survivorship can transform your life.